Henry PTO Paint Night - Chesterfield

Henry PTO Paint Night

Henry PTO Paint Night

Henry PTO Paint Night

02/27/2021 - 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Henry PTO Kits

Henry Elementary PTO has teamed up with Pinspiration Chesterfield to help create a fun Zoom Paint Night!

Each kit is $20.00 with 15% going back to your PTO!

Paint Kits include:
-8×10 Pre- Traced Canvas Panel
-List of Step-By-Step instructions
-Paint Brushes
-Paper to cover you work surface.

Paint kits will be distributed by your school PTO team along with details and links of your scheduled Zoom Party.

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02/27/2021 - 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Choose Number of Tickets

Bookings are closed for this event.